Monday, March 4, 2013

Carbon- friendly Home

Global warming is not someone else problem as all of us are responsible on it. Little practice could give a small change for us to save the mother earth.
In the previous entry, we had shown you the guidelines to implement green features for your home which is here, thus today, I want to share with you how to make your home a carbon-friendly home.
The tips are as follow:
1.      Use climate-friendly appliances

Buy an energy- efficient refrigerator, washing machine and air conditioner. You could help to save the mother earth by reducing nearly half a tonne of CO2 a year! House appliances with “Energy Star” label are recommended if you don’t know what type of machine to buy.

2.      Click it off
Switch off television, computer, radio and DVD player when you want to go out or go to bed. Leaving them on standby mode can chalk up a hefty electricity bill. Such a waste, right?

3.      Never dump, compose!

More than a third of food waste is biodegradable and could be composted. It provides clean and odourless environment once it is loaded in composting bin. It also benefits you in term of economic as it is converted to fertiliser. Yeay, no more ride to plant nursery to purchase fertiliser. Save money on petrol as well as compost! Where could you get the composting bin? You can always make the bin by yourself as it very easy to do so, just Google it up. Or I might tell you how to do it at the next entry.

4.      Planting habit

As all of us know, trees and plants absorb Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Therefore, start gardening and plant your favourite trees. You might not realize that you are reducing the impact of global warming.

5.      Light up efficiently

Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) which is originally qualified for ENERGY STAR label. CFLs use 75% less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulb and last longer (6 times).  In addition, it produces about 75% less heat, so it’s safer, save energy cost with home cooling and reduces 0.08 tonne of CO2.

It is simple and easy to do, make it your habit, it will eventually become a second nature to be eco- friendly. So, change your lifestyle from now on, and Go Green instead.

If you feel heat, it might come from you, therefore, Don’t Complain, Make A Change!

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