Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Save the Tigers!

I recently went to a socializing event for 'green' enthusiasts in KL called Green Drinks KL. It is held every month (typically towards the end of it) at the Mulberry Restaurant and Bar, Ming Annexe Building in Jalan Ampang, KL (location may change from time to time). My brain would like to take itself off the usual green building stuffs – so this kind of activities is like a mind intellectual retreat – for me anyway :P

Introduction to Green Drinks KL

Green Drinks is a gathering for anyone interested in creating a more sustainable world, exchanging ideas and hearing different perspectives about the social and environmental challenges we face. The concept began in the UK in 1989 and over the years has spread far beyond London to over 650 cities worldwide! 

You can find out more at https://www.facebook.com/groups/51963358529/

There’re always new topics discussed every month. My previous visit was quite interesting. I just want to share with you the topic presented on the tigers in Malaysia and MyCAT – The Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (I'm not always about the building you know).

Tigers have lost 93% of their habitat in the last 100 years, and we have lost 97% of tigers worldwide. I think we have about 500 tigers (wild) left in the country and MyCAT is trying very hard to protect them! 

You can check out their website: http://malayantiger.net/v4/mycat for more information.

Tiger poaching and smuggling is the number one factor that is causing the loss of our tigers. One of the cool things they have planned to address this issue is the Citizen Action for Tigers programme! Basically, MyCAT helps volunteers (which is us) to do their part for the wildlife. The programme includes CAT Walks, whereby volunteer can prevent poaching by their mere presence and additional watchful eyes at poaching hotspots on weekends. It’s kinda like your usual trekking activities – but with a more noble purpose! If volunteers encounter any suspicious activities, they contact the Wildlife Crime Hotline, managed by MYCAT, and they can relay the information to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP).


Call MyCAT to find out more! Save the tigers!


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